Just as Harbor House and SAFE Project are intertwined as two ministries that serve survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault, they now have logos that complement each other as well.
A few of months after a first-ever Harbor House logo was unveiled, SAFE Project has a refreshed logo that more accurately relates to the work that it does, and visually links it to Harbor House.
Safety and Security
The SAFE Project logo uses the same leaves from the Harbor House logo to unite the two logos. The shield shape is to show safety and security, and replaces a dove which was featured in SAFE’s previous logo. Purple and teal are used as they are the colors associated with awareness of domestic violence and sexual assault. The yellow color that also is featured is a nod to SAFE Project’s funder, the Kansas Department of Children and Families, which also uses yellow in its logo.

Safety and Security
The SAFE Project logo uses the same leaves from the Harbor House logo to unite the two logos. The shield shape is to show safety and security, and replaces a dove which was featured in SAFE’s previous logo. Purple and teal are used as they are the colors associated with awareness of domestic violence and sexual assault. The yellow color that also is featured is a nod to SAFE Project’s funder, the Kansas Department of Children and Families, which also uses yellow in its logo.

What is SAFE Project?
The SAFE Project at Catholic Charities improves the safety and employability of domestic violence and sexual assault survivors who meet certain financial criteria, so they may achieve safety, independence and economic self-sufficiency.
SAFE Project is a collaborative program funded by the Kansas Department for Children and Families. SAFE case managers working in Hutchinson, Newton, Pittsburg, Wichita and Winfield serve the entire 25-county area of the Diocese of Wichita. They work with survivors who are receiving or who are eligible to receive state benefits, such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), food stamps, childcare assistance or who participate in a GOALS program.
Learn more about SAFE Project
For more information call (316) 263-6000, or toll-free at 1(866) 899-5522, or visit your local DCF Service Center or discuss with your EES case worker.
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St. Joseph Pastoral Center
437 North Topeka st.
Wichita. KS 67202-2431
(316) 264-8344
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Wichita is a 501(c)(3). All gifts are tax-deductible.
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316-264-8344 ext. 1262
Wichita Diocese
The Wichita Diocese covers 20,021 square miles and includes 25 counties in the southeast corner of the state. It is home to over 114,000 Catholics in 90 parishes.