Like many of the family members of clients at Adult Day Services, Mary Jane Wooten and Kevin Langenwalter feel blessed that their loved ones have a safe place and enriching environment in which to spend their days.
Adult Day Services (ADS) at Catholic Charities Wichita is a vibrant community that provides quality day programs for adults with developmental disabilities and seniors with dementia or other needs.
For Wooten, ADS offers a safe place for her 24-year-old daughter, McRae, who has developmental disabilities and a seizure disorder that requires round-the-clock monitoring.
“We are so blessed to have McRae,” Wooten said. “Her hugs and smiles are worth so much. She is a great source of love and wonderful to be around.” When McRae comes to ADS for the day, it gives her mom a well-deserved break and the opportunity to work, run errands, volunteer or simply rest.
For Langenwalter, ADS providers a stable environment for his mother, Nancy, who gets confused and forgets where she is. While he is at work, Nancy enjoys her day at ADS, finding independence and fun in a community that is safe for her.
With a growing demand in the Wichita area for day services for adults and seniors with special needs, Catholic Charities is planning to expand its Adult Day Services in 2021.
“For the individuals served by Adult Day Services, the program is a lifeline to independence. For their families, it serves as powerful support,” says Wendy Glick, Catholic Charities executive director.
“As demand for these services has increased, the program has outgrown its current facilities. Catholic Charities is developing plans for renovating a larger building in Wichita to house the program, enabling us to double the number of individuals it serves.”
Catholic Charities has purchased the former Michener Elementary School in north Wichita, which most recently served as the Wichita Sedgwick County Law Enforcement Training Center, to serve as the future home of Adult Day Services. The building offers more than 25,600 square feet and sits on 5.5 acres of land. Catholic Charities Wichita will soon kick-off a campaign to fund the renovation of the building.
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